Our Mission is to impact a generation

As this year draws to a close, we are already excitedly anticipating and looking to what next year may bring. Due to the fantastic success and exceptional growth of our 'Girls of Hope!' project, we are inspired to go for more. Bring on 2023!
Over the past few weeks, we have graduated close to 120 girls from our 'Girls of Hope!' course, an incredible result for our girl's project in 2022! and a blessing to witness the significant impact that our course has had on people's lives.
Something exceptional is taking place amongst El Salvador's young girls! We are looking forward to walking through the doors of opportunity that God is opening up for us so that we can reach more!
Please read below about the plans we have for March 2023.

Launching 'Arise and Shine' conference in El Salvador!

March 2023 will see the launch of our first-ever conference for adolescent girls!

We ask for your prayers as we coordinate our first 'Arise and Shine' girl's conference in El Salvador! This conference is designed to empower, resource and inspire El Salvador's young girls with a message of Hope. We know this special event will be significant in many of their lives.
Our vision is to see girls Arise and Shine and be all they can be! Stay tuned for more information on how you can be a part of this significant event!

Life-changing impact

Our two last 'Girls of Hope!' groups are wrapping up for the year. Over the last few weeks, our facilitators and leaders have been putting on some beautiful graduation ceremonies to mark the special occasion for the girls.
These graduations are a vital part of the program because in El Salvador, girls and women are often silenced, devalued and treated with brutal inequality compared to men, inside and outside their homes. This ongoing gender discrimination denies women and girls their voices, and it systematically devalues the core of who they are - their identity.
For many of our participants, the messages they have heard in the program imparting value and worth have been life-changing.

Young girls have told us that because of this experience, they have since made decisions to pursue their dreams and do their best to live a life of worth and value.

It has been a transformational and humbling experience for all of us. With your support, we can continue to reach more vulnerable girls living in poverty and facing gender inequality in El Salvador.

Your donations are making a lasting change for the most vulnerable.

Thank you! 

Vania xx


Something is happening in El Salvador!


Kicking goals in El Salvador!