Together we can make a difference

Rompe el Ciclo de Abuso

El Salvador, tiene una de las tasas más altas de feminicidio en el mundo. En El Salvador, la violencia de

género y el feminicidio (el asesinato de una mujer por el hecho de ser mujer) ocurren predominantemente dentro de relaciones íntimas.

El momento más peligroso para una mujer es cuando intenta salir de la relación. Comprender la realidad de este peligro puede marcar una diferencia crucial al buscar la ayuda adecuada. Descubre cómo reconocer el ciclo de abuso y únete al movimiento por un futuro libre de violencia.

Creating Hope, Inspiring Change

Geographically, El Salvador is the smallest Central American country yet it is the most densely populated in Latin America with a population of about seven million people.

In the past decade, El Salvador has had the highest murder rate in the world, with 104 murders per 100,000 people – over 6,600 murders in one year.

Today, El Salvador has the highest murder rate of women (femicide) in the world, and one of the highest child homicide rates, children aged 0-19 years old*(

El Salvador’s history has been one of unrest, which manifested in civil war in the 1980’s. This caused a significant shift within an already poor and vulnerable society.

We believe that we can be part of the change that is so desperately needed in El Salvador.

Join us this International Women’s Day, March 2–8,
As we work to end gender-based violence in El Salvador!


Women of Hope

Salvador’s HOPE proudly presents its latest initiative: Women of Hope. Our visionary goal is to empower communities in the fight against the escalating incidences of sexual violence, kidnappings, disappearances, and domestic abuse targeting adolescent girls in El Salvador.

The heart-wrenching statistics of gender-based violence in El Salvador, which sadly ranks as one of the highest in the world, particularly affecting the lives of girls and women, serve as the driving force behind our groundbreaking endeavour.

Violence Prevention Programs-

Girls of Hope and Teens of Hope

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our second violence prevention program, 'Teens of Hope,' tailored for adolescent girls in El Salvador. Building upon the success of our previous initiative, 'Girls of Hope,' this new program is a powerful tool in our mission to empower young lives. With the implementation of 'Teens of Hope,' we are already witnessing the profound impact it has on the girls' lives, igniting a journey towards empowerment and flourishing.

This six-week program has been meticulously crafted with the unique needs of adolescent girls from high-risk communities in mind. Through 'Teens of Hope,' we are building upon the foundation laid by 'Girls of Hope' and creating an even more transformative experience. This initiative addresses their challenges, equips them with essential life skills, and nurtures their inherent potential. We are committed to providing a supportive environment that fosters growth and resilience, setting the stage for these girls to not just survive, but to thrive.

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Children’s Feeding Programs

Children’s Feeding Programs

Food security is a serious problem in El Salvador, whether it be in the capital city of San Salvador, in the countryside or in the mountain villages children are suffering from malnutrition due to not receiving enough food. 

Extreme poverty and COVID-19 has meant that thousands of children are only receiving one meal every second day.


“We believe that every man, woman and child has the right to live a life free from the injustices of poverty”

Vania Labios, Salvador’s HOPE

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